Friday 30 June 2017

How To Make Polvoron ( By: John Miguel B. Macatuno & Tristan Ace Velazco)

Hi Everyone!

Today we will learn how to make Polvoron, here are some guide and tips that you will follow:

First We Need To List Our Ingredients!

We Need Some....

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup powdered milk
1/2 cup melted butter 
2 packs Cream-O or Any Cookie Flavored
2 packs of Cashews 
2 packs of Nuts
2 sachet of Milo or Any Chocolate Powder

These Are The Steps:
First Step: We Need To Prepare The Ingredients That Will Be
The Flavor Of Our Polvoron

We need to prepare the ingredients that will be the flavor our polvoron ( on the picture we
are crushing the cashews, peanuts and cookies and cream but not the chocolate because
it is a powder) and the crushed ingredients will be set aside in a plate.

Second Step: Measure The All Purpose Flour And The Sugar
Second we measure the sugar and the all purpose flour ( the first picture is measuring the sugar and the second picture is measuring the flour) then we will mix it. Mix them in a mixing bowl. And get a another mixing bowl for the next step.
Third Step: Toast the Flour

Then we will toast the flour gently and mild to make it not burnt and wait until it is golden brown and you smell the aroma.Let it cool for a minute or wait until it is cool. And Set Aside

Fourth Step: Melt The Butter
Melt The Butter In a Pan.... After you Melt the butter, cool it for 2 Minutes and we will
mix altogether (the All- Purpose flour and the sugar first, then the melted butter next) 

Fifth Step: Separate the mixture in a 4 mixing bowl and pour the ingredients that will be the flavor of our polvoron and mix

Separate the mixture ( The mixture of butter, flour, sugar, all-purpose flour) in a 4 mixing
bowl and pour the ingredients that will be the flavor of our polvoron and there in the picture is the result.

Sixth Step: Shape the Polvoron Mixture in a Polvoron Molder
And Wrap In a Cellophane Wrapper

Shape the Mixture in a polvoron shaper and wrap with a cellophane wrapper...

The End!!!

Project In T.L.E
Ms. Shaimalie Cumilang

By John Miguel B. Macatuno
      Tristan Ace R. Velazco 

How To Make Polvoron ( By: John Miguel B. Macatuno & Tristan Ace Velazco)

Hi Everyone! Today we will learn how to make Polvoron, here are some guide and tips that you will follow: First We Need To List Our ...